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summer snippet Sessions are here!

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In case you didn’t know, I have the cutest baby ever (yes, I’m a little biased), and he just turned 1 year old! Actually, does that make him a toddler?! I’ve been celebrating him throughout the past month by posting photos of him on my social media – but the thing is, not all of you are on social media! I want to make sure all of you have access to cute Isaac content, so I’m sharing some favorite photos I’ve taken of him here on the blog, as well. 🙂

August 18, 2020

“I was happy to meet with Lake and Jacob right before stay at home orders kicked in for us late March! Since we’d already been staying at home for a couple weeks before the session, we felt comfortable following through with the session while maintaining social distance and eliminating any kind of contact. Their 4-month-old Samuel is the sweetest thing, and we were all really glad to be able to capture him while he’s still this little! …”

May 4, 2020

“I went over to their house one afternoon to witness all the fun of kiddos making Christmas cookies together. These are some of my FAVORITE sessions, when I get to come to your house and capture your family doing something you love together. I get a peek of each of you in your element, and the photos that result tell the story of a fun afternoon spent together. …”

March 25, 2020

“The first few weeks & months with a baby are definitely not always sunshine and rainbows – I recently learned first-hand that there’s a lot of crying and only wanting to be held and a never-ending rotation of feeding & napping — all for both mom and baby 🙂 All of that makes the importance of newborn sessions stand out to me so much greater. It’s a tough time, but it’s a precious time. It doesn’t seem like it in the moment, but it goes by in a flash. …”

February 20, 2020

If you tuned in to my last post, you know that Jessica & Ben have been some of my most faithful clients from engagement and wedding photos, to maternity & newborn photos for their first son Hudson, to mommy & son photos, and now to the New Life Collection with their new little one Connor! I recently posted this round of maternity photos for them, and baby Connor made his arrival on October 14! I’m so thankful for these friends, and so happy to be able to capture so much of their lives for them and preserve these memories forever.

December 23, 2019

“I am fresh off maternity leave, excited to dig back into business while also spending time with our sweet baby Isaac! It’s been a wonderful 2.5 months focusing on him and our new family of 3 (4, including our fur baby Jack!). I did have a couple special-exception sessions, responded to inquiry emails, and worked on editing my August wedding during my maternity leave, but it was so nice being able to do all of that at my own pace. Everyone was so incredibly understanding and wanting to help me treasure that time with Isaac – THANK YOU!”

November 6, 2019

“If you’re in Raleigh today, you’re experiencing a rainy, rainy day. If you’re in Northern VA or father north, you likely have a snow day! Wherever you are, hopefully you’re able to stay cozy in your house. That’s the best part about in-home photo sessions – they’re not dependent on the weather! This makes them great for any time of year, and I am so thankful for that! We took these photos on New Year’s Eve, just one week before Oliver turned one year old. It was a chilly, misty day, but in-home sessions are awesome any day of the year!”

February 20, 2019

“This week I got to look through all my photos from 2018, and – surprise, surprise – there was lots of joy & silliness to be found within last year’s sessions, too! You see, even though I photograph people from all different walks of life, I’ve found that my clients all tend to have one thing in common: THEY GET SILLY. WE GET SILLY. WE DON’T TAKE OURSELVES TOO SERIOUSLY. And this is basically my favorite thing. I love capturing joy for people, and it’s even more fun when they throw a funny face out there and just have a good ol’ time with the moments we share together!”

February 6, 2019

“Amidst the heartwarming wedding days, newborn snuggles, and excitement of graduating, it just seems that I attract people who aren’t afraid to throw a funny face out there or let loose a little. I LOVE IT! Here are some silly and particularly joyful moments from 2015, 2016, and 2017!”

January 23, 2019

“It was at about this point – as I sat with my camera & watched them interact – that I remembered just how important this is. Phoebe won’t be so little for so long, and seeing them become a family of 3 and then simply spending time together has been so special. Capture these moments, people!”

October 18, 2018