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“Sarah & Colin chose a Christmas card template featuring a foil message on the front & simple text on the back! I love how some clients choose templates that allow for lots of text & others let the photos speak for themselves. Sarah & Colin were initially thinking to only have one photo on the cards, but they couldn’t resist including the walking one, too. I don’t blame them – Ada had to show off those skills! …”

March 9, 2020

“The first few weeks & months with a baby are definitely not always sunshine and rainbows – I recently learned first-hand that there’s a lot of crying and only wanting to be held and a never-ending rotation of feeding & napping — all for both mom and baby 🙂 All of that makes the importance of newborn sessions stand out to me so much greater. It’s a tough time, but it’s a precious time. It doesn’t seem like it in the moment, but it goes by in a flash. …”

February 20, 2020

“In case you haven’t already figured it out, they’re a fun, special couple. They met on a DANCE FLOOR, and they do all sorts of outdoorsy things like hiking, kayaking, traveling, and cycling. I think I might have to go adventuring with them sometime! I’m excited to see how baby Bryce fits into their lives – watching soccer & bird watching with his dad, staying active and eating healthy treats with his momma. You’ll get to meet baby Bryce in the next blog post as we continue through the New Life Collection, but first, here are their maternity photos! …”

February 12, 2020

“Y’all, I almost started crying. Why’d I tear up?! I am just SO darn lucky that y’all step in front of my camera and allow me to capture these moments for you. Your smiles – your laughs! … Even if you think you look like a fool in the silliest photo from your gallery, I hope it also brings a smile to your face as a reminder of all the reasons you love this life you get to live. Even on the days when life is harder to love… even if there are more of those days than joyful ones… you’ll have these photos that showcase a happy day, a happy hour, or even just a happy minute – and I’m so honored to be here for it. …”

January 30, 2020

“I’m not naturally introspective – it takes a lot of intention for me to sit down, process through present-day life, and reflect on days, weeks, and months past – but I’ve found that doing so helps me honor all that God has done and is doing in my life, in my family, and in this little business of mine! I do some monthly reflecting through writing out my newsletter updates, but now that 2020 is rolling into town, it’s time to do a little summary of 2019. Actually, it’s not little. It’s long. But most of it is photos! Peruse at your own pace!”

January 17, 2020

If you tuned in to my last post, you know that Jessica & Ben have been some of my most faithful clients from engagement and wedding photos, to maternity & newborn photos for their first son Hudson, to mommy & son photos, and now to the New Life Collection with their new little one Connor! I recently posted this round of maternity photos for them, and baby Connor made his arrival on October 14! I’m so thankful for these friends, and so happy to be able to capture so much of their lives for them and preserve these memories forever.

December 23, 2019

“Jessica & Ben decided to treasure these moments as much as possible by investing in the New Life Collection. Since that includes maternity, newborn, 6-month, and 1-year photos, I’m already looking forward to our upcoming sessions! The photo book they receive at the end will be such a beautiful way to look back on baby Connor’s first year of life with photos from all four of these sessions. … ”

December 13, 2019

“Sarah and Colin go to the same church as we do, and it has been so fun getting to know them this year! Their daughter Ada is basically the cutest with her big blue eyes and curious nature. We spent a lovely Sunday morning before church together in Anderson Point Park, and if I remember correctly, the weather was really nice for late June! I’m excited to continue spending time with this beautiful family, especially as Isaac gets older and he and Ada can play together. :)”

November 21, 2019

“I am fresh off maternity leave, excited to dig back into business while also spending time with our sweet baby Isaac! It’s been a wonderful 2.5 months focusing on him and our new family of 3 (4, including our fur baby Jack!). I did have a couple special-exception sessions, responded to inquiry emails, and worked on editing my August wedding during my maternity leave, but it was so nice being able to do all of that at my own pace. Everyone was so incredibly understanding and wanting to help me treasure that time with Isaac – THANK YOU!”

November 6, 2019

Becky and Alexan are currently fostering a mama dog and her litter of seven puppies. Becky contacted me with the idea for me to take photos of our baby Isaac with the puppies, and obviously I was all in! They brought the puppies over to our house the day that Isaac turned one month old, and the puppies were three weeks old at the time. 🙂 HELLO, CUTENESS. Enjoy the photos, and send this post to a friend who needs to smile today!

October 3, 2019