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Allow me to introduce you to Jayne, Michael, Colin, and Mary Kate! Jayne and Michael had the last-minute thought to get some photos taken while their adult children were in town over the holidays last year, and Jayne wasn’t sure she’d be able to find anyone to help them out before Colin and Mary Kate headed back home to NYC. I am so thankful that she found me on Yelp and that we got to enjoy a session together on New Year’s Eve!

February 27, 2019

As soon as we got to the park area, Beau was ALL ABOUT those fall leaves. It was Clark’s idea to get Beau to play with them, and man-oh-man was that genius. Look how HAPPY this two-year-old is!! … While more mild-mannered in the energy department (for now, at least), Zoe had her time in the spotlight too, of course! Isn’t her squinty smile the sweetest?!

January 30, 2019

“It’s hard to believe that, just a month before the snow, a few beautiful families and I were spending a beautiful autumn morning together at Historic Oak View County Park to capture some memories. It was a bit chilly that day, but the sun warmed us up! Today I’m sharing Ashley & Matt’s fun family with you!”

December 12, 2018

“Today I want to share some precious photos from another one of my November mini-sessions. Get this: Jessica came 3 HOURS down from VIRGINIA for this 20-minute session! WHAT?! Now that is dedication to her family photographer. <3 …”

December 7, 2018

“Whoever you are and wherever you are, I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving last week! The year just won’t slow down, so I’m trying to carve a few moments here and there to think about what I’m grateful for and intentionally give thanks. I use that and photography to cherish the present moment before it’s gone!”

November 28, 2018

“It was at about this point – as I sat with my camera & watched them interact – that I remembered just how important this is. Phoebe won’t be so little for so long, and seeing them become a family of 3 and then simply spending time together has been so special. Capture these moments, people!”

October 18, 2018

“For obvious reasons, Kate likes to say, “POWERRR TO THE PEOPLLLE!” when Journey sticks her fist up like this (below). I love that early empowerment – you go, Journey girl! …”

September 19, 2018

“Baby Wonder Woman, astounded by cats. Who knew? …”

August 30, 2018

“These two lovely people are so near and dear to my heart. I’ve known Heaven since fifth grade, and she and Russell started dating while we were in high school. We’ve supported each other through a lot and have spent many sleepovers together eating cookie dough, making forts, and putting things that we probably shouldn’t have in bonfires that were probably bigger than they should have been. …”

August 23, 2018

“Image boxes are an easy way to display photos in your home with the ability to have different photos on display at different times. Don’t forget to put your photos up of your kids with their grandparents when your in-laws come to visit! 😉 You don’t have to worry about getting your own frames if you don’t want to, or even remembering to print your photos somewhere, because it’s all taken care of for you in this simple, stylish image box!”

July 30, 2018