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“Kelly is an amazing photographer who was both patient with my toddlers as well as talented – capturing so many of their personality traits thru her lens. It was a pleasure to work with her from start to finish and we look forward to working with her in the future!!” – Alicia

May 29, 2019

“Isaac was turning two years old a few weeks after the session, so we were able to capture some fun photos to have on display at his train-themed birthday party! They ordered a gallery image of the next photo… You can see the completed gallery image at the bottom of the post!”

May 8, 2019

Allow me to introduce you to Jayne, Michael, Colin, and Mary Kate! Jayne and Michael had the last-minute thought to get some photos taken while their adult children were in town over the holidays last year, and Jayne wasn’t sure she’d be able to find anyone to help them out before Colin and Mary Kate headed back home to NYC. I am so thankful that she found me on Yelp and that we got to enjoy a session together on New Year’s Eve!

February 27, 2019

“This week I got to look through all my photos from 2018, and – surprise, surprise – there was lots of joy & silliness to be found within last year’s sessions, too! You see, even though I photograph people from all different walks of life, I’ve found that my clients all tend to have one thing in common: THEY GET SILLY. WE GET SILLY. WE DON’T TAKE OURSELVES TOO SERIOUSLY. And this is basically my favorite thing. I love capturing joy for people, and it’s even more fun when they throw a funny face out there and just have a good ol’ time with the moments we share together!”

February 6, 2019

“Whoever you are and wherever you are, I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving last week! The year just won’t slow down, so I’m trying to carve a few moments here and there to think about what I’m grateful for and intentionally give thanks. I use that and photography to cherish the present moment before it’s gone!”

November 28, 2018

“It was at about this point – as I sat with my camera & watched them interact – that I remembered just how important this is. Phoebe won’t be so little for so long, and seeing them become a family of 3 and then simply spending time together has been so special. Capture these moments, people!”

October 18, 2018

“For obvious reasons, Kate likes to say, “POWERRR TO THE PEOPLLLE!” when Journey sticks her fist up like this (below). I love that early empowerment – you go, Journey girl! …”

September 19, 2018