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limited edition fall Sessions are here!

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They ordered a gallery image and prints with their order, so they see these photos every day in their entry way, in their living room, on a nightstand… And let me say, they always decorate their home with different kinds of beautiful artwork, but not typically large personal photos of family. After saying they probably wouldn’t get a gallery image, they got a gallery image. AND, her parents now have their first large family photo in their home too! <3

April 15, 2021

In case you didn’t know, I have the cutest baby ever (yes, I’m a little biased), and he just turned 1 year old! Actually, does that make him a toddler?! I’ve been celebrating him throughout the past month by posting photos of him on my social media – but the thing is, not all of you are on social media! I want to make sure all of you have access to cute Isaac content, so I’m sharing some favorite photos I’ve taken of him here on the blog, as well. 🙂

August 18, 2020

“Sarah and Colin go to the same church as we do, and it has been so fun getting to know them this year! Their daughter Ada is basically the cutest with her big blue eyes and curious nature. We spent a lovely Sunday morning before church together in Anderson Point Park, and if I remember correctly, the weather was really nice for late June! I’m excited to continue spending time with this beautiful family, especially as Isaac gets older and he and Ada can play together. :)”

November 21, 2019

“This week I got to look through all my photos from 2018, and – surprise, surprise – there was lots of joy & silliness to be found within last year’s sessions, too! You see, even though I photograph people from all different walks of life, I’ve found that my clients all tend to have one thing in common: THEY GET SILLY. WE GET SILLY. WE DON’T TAKE OURSELVES TOO SERIOUSLY. And this is basically my favorite thing. I love capturing joy for people, and it’s even more fun when they throw a funny face out there and just have a good ol’ time with the moments we share together!”

February 6, 2019

As soon as we got to the park area, Beau was ALL ABOUT those fall leaves. It was Clark’s idea to get Beau to play with them, and man-oh-man was that genius. Look how HAPPY this two-year-old is!! … While more mild-mannered in the energy department (for now, at least), Zoe had her time in the spotlight too, of course! Isn’t her squinty smile the sweetest?!

January 30, 2019

“Amidst the heartwarming wedding days, newborn snuggles, and excitement of graduating, it just seems that I attract people who aren’t afraid to throw a funny face out there or let loose a little. I LOVE IT! Here are some silly and particularly joyful moments from 2015, 2016, and 2017!”

January 23, 2019

“Whoever you are and wherever you are, I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving last week! The year just won’t slow down, so I’m trying to carve a few moments here and there to think about what I’m grateful for and intentionally give thanks. I use that and photography to cherish the present moment before it’s gone!”

November 28, 2018

“Whenever I go to someone’s house for a session, I like to start with capturing what the babies or children are already doing. As I move more toward more lifestyle-type sessions that involve mostly interaction and showing connections, rather than posing and smiling just for the camera, I’m starting to treasure these “action” photos more and more. This is natural, this is real, and this what babies actually do because they’re babies!  …”

August 16, 2018