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Throwback Thursday – Olivia: Raleigh 6 Month Baby Photography

Hello, and happy Thursday!

Do you remember Olivia’s precious newborn photos from last week’s post? Today I’m sharing her 6 month photos! Okay, she was actually 7 months old in this session… I’m flexible to meet the needs of your schedule! πŸ˜‰ 

The plus side of catching up on photos I’ve taken within the last couple years (in blog posts within one summer) is allowing you to see her grow more quickly than real-time! I love going through photos I’ve taken for people over time – like Jessica & Ben’s photos, the Krauss family‘s, and Olivia’s, too! 

Olivia – Raleigh 6 Month Baby Photography



Whenever I go to someone’s house for a session, I like to start with capturing what the babies or children are already doing. As I move more toward more lifestyle-type sessions that involve mostly interaction and showing connections, rather than posing and smiling just for the camera, I’m starting to treasure these “action” photos more and more. This is natural, this is real, and this what babies actually do because they’re babies! 




I don’t have kids of my own yet, and it’s really special to me to enter into people’s lives and see babies starting to stand up, gain confidence, and take some of their first steps!



Olivia loved looking up and playing with her daddy’s hair hanging over her πŸ™‚ Her giggles are so sweet!



We had to get Socks in on the session, too. <3 What a sweet dog.



Also real life: When we went to take photos in this corner of their staircase, we found a little lizard that already thought it was a great place to hang out – haha! Marissa & Jon successfully swooped it up in a cup, and you better believe I kept taking pictures… but those are being saved for a future post I have planned! πŸ™‚ 





Ahh. I don’t know about you, but looking at photos of babies always brings warmth to my heart and a grin to my face. πŸ™‚ Can’t get enough? See Harbor’s newborn photos in Kellay & Reece’s post

Also – if you don’t already know – I make it really easy for you to line up sessions throughout your baby’s first year! The New Life Collection includes sessions for maternity, newborn, 6 months, and 1 year. It also comes with prints with each session and a photo book at the end of them all, showcasing your favorites from throughout the year! Let me know if you’re interested in capturing these precious first smiles and steps in this way, or with an individual session! 

Keep an eye out for Olivia’s 1 year photos this upcoming MONDAY – since I’ve finished my photo art features on Mondays, we’re allowing other posts to fill those slots! πŸ™‚ Just a few more days ’til you get to see the completion of photos across her first year! 

Have a great weekend, everyone. πŸ™‚

In light & love,

in light & love,
