“I’m so excited to share another sweet baby with you! Zoey was born in November, and we had her in-home newborn session soon after. She ended up being fussy for some of the session despite our best efforts with timing the session when babies are typically happy – funny how newborns just have a mind of their own already, huh? – but I hope you’ll agree that we got some super sweet photos of her & her parents anyway! The laid-back nature of these sessions gives plenty of time for soothing & cuddling, as well as the practical stuff like nursing/feeding & diaper changes :)”
“The first few weeks & months with a baby are definitely not always sunshine and rainbows – I recently learned first-hand that there’s a lot of crying and only wanting to be held and a never-ending rotation of feeding & napping — all for both mom and baby All of that makes the importance of newborn sessions stand out to me so much greater. It’s a tough time, but it’s a precious time. It doesn’t seem like it in the moment, but it goes by in a flash. …”
If you tuned in to my last post, you know that Jessica & Ben have been some of my most faithful clients from engagement and wedding photos, to maternity & newborn photos for their first son Hudson, to mommy & son photos, and now to the New Life Collection with their new little one Connor! I recently posted this round of maternity photos for them, and baby Connor made his arrival on October 14! I’m so thankful for these friends, and so happy to be able to capture so much of their lives for them and preserve these memories forever.
Becky and Alexan are currently fostering a mama dog and her litter of seven puppies. Becky contacted me with the idea for me to take photos of our baby Isaac with the puppies, and obviously I was all in! They brought the puppies over to our house the day that Isaac turned one month old, and the puppies were three weeks old at the time. HELLO, CUTENESS. Enjoy the photos, and send this post to a friend who needs to smile today!
“This is what I love. I’ve crafted the New Life Collection so that I can capture and share your baby’s growth across his or her precious first year of life, so that you have prints and a photo book to look back on these memories forever, and so that I am able to selfishly sneak in and live small moments of this tender time with you. / Today’s post holds Olivia’s newborn photos, with her 6 month photos and 1 year photos to come in future posts! Enjoy! …”
“Today I get to share Jessica & Ben with you! They are the first couple to call me their ‘family photographer,’ and my immediate response to that was, ‘I want more of that!’ It warms my heart to serve people over time with photography, capture their biggest and most everyday moments alike, and see them grow. It’s an extra special treat when I visit them and see their photo art all around their home!…”