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limited edition fall Sessions are here!

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the blog

“I’m not naturally introspective – it takes a lot of intention for me to sit down, process through present-day life, and reflect on days, weeks, and months past – but I’ve found that doing so helps me honor all that God has done and is doing in my life, in my family, and in this little business of mine! I do some monthly reflecting through writing out my newsletter updates, but now that 2020 is rolling into town, it’s time to do a little summary of 2019. Actually, it’s not little. It’s long. But most of it is photos! Peruse at your own pace!”

January 17, 2020

“KidLab made this New Year’s Eve the most exciting one yet for Light Creative by inviting me to set up a photo booth at the kids’ event at Transfer Co. Food Hall! There were a ton of fun activities happening for the kiddos at Transfer, and people. showed. up. We had hundreds & hundreds of families come through, and I’m so thankful to have met a bunch of them as they got all dressed up & smiled for the camera!”

January 3, 2020