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summer snippet Sessions are here!

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the blog

“This morning we dropped Isaac off for his first day of school EVER, and I’m over here all emotional about it, as mamas will be! We had to take those classic first day of school photos, and CAN YOU EVEN?! I also want to share some new stage of motherhood thoughts & feelings, because well, there are lots of them. I’m using this space to document, process, and share in hopes that you can relate & maybe feel a little more validated in all your own feelings & emotions as a mama with kids in transition.”

August 31, 2021

“Our son just turned two years old, and we had such a fun little birthday party for him! We all had a blast (pun intended ) at his “Two Infinity and Beyond” birthday party. Let me share some of the things we did to tie in to the theme, as well as some more that you could do! We kept it pretty simple, and it felt like the perfect fit for us this year. Hope you see some ideas you’d like for your own party!”

August 23, 2021

In case you didn’t know, I have the cutest baby ever (yes, I’m a little biased), and he just turned 1 year old! Actually, does that make him a toddler?! I’ve been celebrating him throughout the past month by posting photos of him on my social media – but the thing is, not all of you are on social media! I want to make sure all of you have access to cute Isaac content, so I’m sharing some favorite photos I’ve taken of him here on the blog, as well. 🙂

August 18, 2020

“I’m not naturally introspective – it takes a lot of intention for me to sit down, process through present-day life, and reflect on days, weeks, and months past – but I’ve found that doing so helps me honor all that God has done and is doing in my life, in my family, and in this little business of mine! I do some monthly reflecting through writing out my newsletter updates, but now that 2020 is rolling into town, it’s time to do a little summary of 2019. Actually, it’s not little. It’s long. But most of it is photos! Peruse at your own pace!”

January 17, 2020