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spring snippet Sessions are coming!

Welcome to

the blog

“Gift prints are currently available in sets of 5, 10, 15, 20, or more, and they’re the most basic way to hold your memories in your hands and display them in your home. They are professionally printed on sturdy paper and are protected with a lustre coating. They won’t curl easily and can last 100-200 years! …”

July 2, 2018

“Today I get to share Jessica & Ben with you! They are the first couple to call me their ‘family photographer,’ and my immediate response to that was, I want more of that!’ It warms my heart to serve people over time with photography, capture their biggest and most everyday moments alike, and see them grow. It’s an extra special treat when I visit them and see their photo art all around their home!…”

June 28, 2018

First, I know you’re busy. Thank you for taking the time to click & read about something SUPER EXCITING in the world of Light Creative!

I’m SO excited to announce that after this school year wraps up next week, I will be pursuing my FULL-TIME photography career!

June 7, 2018

Hey everyone!

We made it! As life typically goes, things have been busy between my last blog post and now, but the website is finally being launched! Hooray!

May 2, 2018

Hello everyone! Welcome to Light Creative!
Wow, this has been a long time coming. Let me give you a little backstory…

March 22, 2018