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Adelyn – Downtown Raleigh One-Year-Old Baby Photography

“I was dreading being in pictures from the photoshoot for our daughter’s first birthday because I’m not usually comfortable getting my picture taken. By the end of the photoshoot I was so glad I decided to have my husband and me in pictures. It was so much fun to play with our daughter and have candid photos taken, and when it was time to pose I felt so comfortable because of Kelly’s direction and laid back personality. I can’t wait to have more pictures taken by her in the future!”


Hey everyone!

Wowzers, I can’t believe it’s June, but I’m excited that it is! This is the most exciting month of the year for my husband and me, since my birthday is on the 6th, our anniversary is on the 8th, and Andrew’s birthday is on the 12th! This time last year is also when I announced I would be transitioning to doing photography full-time, and I’ll be making another exciting business announcement this month. 🙂 So many fun things!

We’re hanging out here in June now, but let’s throw it back a couple months to a session I had early April! It’s actually super appropriate for today in the spirit of celebrating, because TODAY is Alison’s birthday!! Happy birthday, Alison!

Alison, Aaron, & Adelyn –
Downtown Raleigh One-Year-Old Baby Photography


I met Alison through our local Tuesdays Together meetups, where creatives / small business owners get together for fellowship and to learn from each other. If you’ve ever heard of “community over competition,” that’s their thing!



When Alison shared before her session that she doesn’t usually like photos of herself, I didn’t become discouraged; rather, I wanted to encourage her that her true beauty would shine through once she starts having fun interacting with her family!

Did you read that review at the top of the blog post? “It was so much fun to play with our daughter and have candid photos taken, and when it was time to pose I felt so comfortable because of Kelly’s direction and laid back personality.” I love doing a combination of laid-back, lifestyle photos and gently-posed photos to give variety, but also so that the session is fun and natural more than anything else! I am so so glad that they love how the photos turned out!



We’d originally planned on having our session at Dorothea Dix Park, but we happened to plan it the same day as the Dreamville Festival! The music festival definitely took over the whole park, so we regrouped and went into downtown Raleigh for the session. The colorful mural turned out to be perfect for our photos, and we were all so glad we ended up there! God knew that was the plan all along. 🙂






Alison & Aaron wanted to schedule this session for springtime, since Adelyn was turning one-year-old later on in April! I am so glad they decided to commemorate this milestone with photos! We got to see her crawling, pulling herself up to stand, and playing with Sophie the giraffe. 🙂 She smiles so big when she sees herself in a mirror or on a phone screen in selfie-mode!




Also, have you noticed Adelyn’s beautiful blue eyes and her most squeezable chubby cheeks?!













I love how much fun and laughter we shared during the session!











Alison & Aaron decided to use their photo art credits to invest in a gallery image! They’ll add it to a wall in their home to mark this noteworthy time and remember how much fun they had together that morning. 🙂

Alison also finds herself on social media a lot and uses it for business purposes, so they also made a custom order of extra web-sizes files! While that’s not something usually found on my photo art menu, I’m always happy to customize things even further and meet your wants and needs when possible! You can see the photos Alison has posted from our session on her Instagram.

Thank you so much for investing in a session, Alison & Aaron, and thank you for trusting me enough to step in front of my camera! I am so glad we captured these moments of the whole family together, and I’m excited to capture more memories for you in the future. 🙂


Thanks to you as well, dear reader! If you’d like to see another one-year-old and his family, check out Oliver’s in-home one-year session! Also stay tuned on the blog, because I just did Phoebe’s one-year session too, and you won’t want to miss that one!

Whatever point in life you’re in (yourself, you and your significant other, you and your family…), I bet there’s something noteworthy to capture! Even the most everyday moments are beautiful and worth treasuring. <3 If you’re interested in a session, check out my pay-what-you-can photography system and then contact me to start our conversation! Can’t wait to hear from you!

Thank you again for joining me here today, and have a splendid week! I’ll be over here celebrating all the things!

In light & love,

in light & love,
