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Joyful & Silly Photos – Part 4 – Raleigh Photographer

Happy Wednesday, friends!

If your week is dragging on, have no fear – you’re halfway through! Maybe more! You’ve come to a great place to spend a few minutes and get an extra push to keep going 🙂

If you’ve spent some time on my blog recently, you know that I’ve had fun looking back on and sharing silly photos from past years. This week I got to look through all my photos from 2018, and – surprise, surprise – there was lots of joy & silliness to be found within last year’s sessions, too!

You see, even though I photograph people from all different walks of life, I’ve found that my clients all tend to have one thing in common:


And this is basically my favorite thing. I love capturing joy for people, and it’s even more fun when they throw a funny face out there and just have a good ol’ time with the moments we share together!

Thanks for joining me here today, and enjoy these silly photos from 2018… There are lots & lots!

Joyful & Silly Photos – Part 4 – Raleigh Photographer

– 2018 –



Sweet, sweet Olivia from her 1 year session

Maggie showing her fun & spunky personality at her Meredith College senior session



Baby Wonder Woman Phoebe just WOWed by their cat Luna at her newborn session 🙂

Coltrane stealing the show and silliness from Maggie & Caio as they took family photos with newborn baby Calum



Kate & Journey sharing some mother-daughter love in Journey’s impromptu 3 month baby session while we visited them in Portland, Oregon

Cal & Macy doing such a great job cheesing in their Outer Banks family session, with their parents throwing in some silliness too 🙂

Remember Phoebe from earlier in the post? She likes to stick her tongue out now 🙂 Here she is in her 6 month session, getting a little tired near the end of it

Y’all already know how much fun I had with Ashley, Matt, and their kids for their fall family mini-session! Such a fun, silly bunch!



Tena & Frank shared the sweetest moments during portrait time after their Durham courthouse wedding ceremony. They shared lots of laughs & smiles!

Jessica & Hudson, rocking it in front of my camera as always during their mommy & son mini-session

I loved meeting Daniel and reconnecting with Melissa & Jonathan during their family mini-session! Daniel enjoyed munching on things 🙂



Adwoa’s colorful personality, complementing the colorful wall oh SO well during her fun & casual headshots



These are from photos I took for an apartment complex, in which families were able to come get photos taken at their leisure!

Jayne & Michael’s family on the American Tobacco Campus in Durham… coming to the blog soon!

Photos from Kristen & Darrin’s PROPOSAL at the Chinese Lantern Festival… also coming to the blog soon!



Laura, Clark, Beau, & Zoe having a blast & sharing laughs during their downtown Raleigh family session

Maribeth, Robert, Oliver, & pup Kuechly being silly during Oliver’s 1 year photos… also coming to the blog soon!



I hope you enjoyed getting a glimpse into all the fun as much as I enjoyed capturing it!

Thanks for joining me on the blog today – be sure to see the first three silly photo blog posts here if you missed them! – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Want to join in on all the fun and have your joyful moments captured too? Get in touch with me here so we can start talking about your session or wedding!

Thanks again, and see you back here next week for one of those “coming to the blog soon” posts mentioned above!

In light & love,

in light & love,
