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Joyful & Silly Photos – Part 3 – Raleigh Photographer

Hello again!

This week in NC has been a rollercoaster with the weather alone. Sunday it progressively got colder throughout the day, Monday and Tuesday I was wearing my warmest parka outside with lows in the teens & highs in the 30s, and this afternoon it’s in the mid-60s. Yes, it is Wednesday, just one day later.

While the weather is all over the place and I serve lots of different types of clients, one thing I’ve noticed since starting to capture moments for people around 2012 is that many, many of my clients all have one thing in common:


If you’ve been following along for a while and saw my first to “silly photos” blog posts HERE and HERE, you know this has become a common refrain of mine. Amidst the heartwarming wedding days, newborn snuggles, and excitement of graduating, it just seems that I attract people who aren’t afraid to throw a funny face out there or let loose a little. I LOVE IT!

Here are some silly and particularly joyful moments from 2015, 2016, and 2017!

Joyful & Silly Photos – 2015, 2016, 2017



The photos from 2015 were taken when we lived in Virginia, before we took a year off from everything to live in community and volunteer for a year with Mission Year (more about that at the end of this post).

I was in my second year as a full-time ESOL teacher at the time, and I loved carving out time for my photography business on the side when I could!

As I look through these photos, I remember all the people I know, love, and miss from that time in our lives! Looking back on these silly moments brings me so much joy 🙂



I mean, just LOOK at these fun weddings!! The one below was Harry Potter themed!! I even linked my old blog in that text for you to scroll through if you’re interested, because the HP details were so fun 🙂 And here are more photos from the wedding above, too!



And Erin & Ivan’s Scottish wedding is next!! What a fun wedding party!



Some of the following photos from 2016 are from NC, and some are back in VA! I’m starting to enjoy road trips less than I used to, but I do loooove when people ask me to come back to take photos for them!

I’ve got a few 2017 photos for you too! In 2017 I was finishing revisioning & restructuring my business to make it exactly what I felt God calling me toward. I was also teaching Spanish in a local elementary school, then later in a high school! I loved capturing these joyful & funny moments during my time outside of school. 🙂

Also, the first couple pictures show Hudson – from his momma’s belly above and more recently seen here! Also see more photos of this awesome couple over time here. (Don’t worry – Hudson was happy for much of the newborn session 🙂 )

And here’s some more happiness & joy for you!

Be sure to click on that photo of Harbor and her momma Kellay to view it larger and see Harbor’s super cute expression!! (More photos from that sweet session here)

After all of this fun & silliness, more of it came in 2018 as I flipped my full-time focus (teaching) and side gig (photography) so that photography is finally my full-time job and I just teach a tiny bit on the side! This has allowed me to grow my business and serve my clients so much better than I was able to before, and I’m crazy thankful for being able to take that leap. If you want, you can read more about that leap of faith HERE and HERE. (Spoiler alert: I do not make major life decisions very easily.)

Along with being able to serve more people last year comes more silly photos! Stay tuned for an exclusively 2018 silly photos blog post coming in a couple weeks! I’ll be around next week too, though, to share a fun downtown Raleigh family session with more little ones!

If you haven’t checked out my pay-what-you-can photography system yet, see all those details here and let me know if you’re interested in a session! Pay-what-you-can wedding details are coming very soon, too! Recently, clients have been able to round up their order total or leave a tip to pay it forward for those who typically wouldn’t be able to afford professional photography, and I’m very excited to offer a specifically pay-what-you-can session to someone soon.

Thank you for following along! Talk to y’all soon, and catch me on social media in the meantime! (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter)

In light & love,

in light & love,
