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limited edition fall Sessions are here!

Welcome to

the blog

Let’s do this!

Hey everyone!

We made it! As life typically goes, things have been busy between my last blog post and now, but the website is finally being launched! Hooray! My hope is that this can be a great place for me to keep you up to date and for you to see all the beauty happening in my life and in the life of Light Creative, LLC. Be sure to check out my first blog post with a warm welcome, a run-down of my business, a little bit about me. 

Here’s a few things that have been happening since that post!

Heaven & Russell had their baby, Phoebe Grace. She is perfect in every way & I am so excited to capture her growth over this first year and beyond.

Maggie finished her undergrad experience at Meredith College! She will be graduating in just a couple weekends! This fall she will start a dual-degree program through Duke Divinity School and the UNC, through which she’ll earn her Master of Divinity and Master of Social Work degrees. This girl is going to do incredible things in the world to empower women, promote justice, and tell the truth of God’s love. Once again, I feel blessed and honored to be able to witness it. 

A Place at the Table is still rocking and rolling! Every time I enter this space (Raleigh’s only pay-what-you-can café), the sense of joy and community is so fulfilling. I get to capture some of that magic for them every so often, and I love engaging in conversation with people while I’m there. We just ordered some more of the photos for their wall, and I look forward to seeing them on display soon! 

I’ll leave it at that for now, but first I’ll reiterate how happy I am that this site is now live and that we can connect in new and exciting ways. 🙂

I’ll be continuing this blog on a more regular basis now (for real – I have a list of blog post ideas!) so be sure to check back often! Also feel free to connect with me on social media – links at the bottom of this page! That’s the best way to stay up-to-date on what’s being posted here, see announcements about special sessions, and make sure you don’t miss any beautiful memories on display. 

I hope you have a wonderful week! Enjoy this spring weather!

With light & love, 

in light & love,
