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Lake & Jacob – Samuel – In-home Baby Photography – Wake Forest Family Photographer

Hey friends!

Happy Monday! I hope you all are finding ways to stay busy and feed your soul as you stay home! Stay-at-home orders have upended a lot of plans for this spring, but it’s so important to be staying at home and be social distancing right now. When I start feeling antsy, I remind myself of all the people who are sick and literally dying from COVID-19. Everything happening right now is difficult from all sides, but we can do hard things – including staying home and taking all the necessary precautions to stay healthy and to dampen the spread of the virus.

All that to say, all the weddings & sessions I’d had scheduled during this time have been postponed and rescheduled, but I was happy to meet with Lake and Jacob right before stay at home orders kicked in for us late March! Since we’d already been staying at home for a couple weeks before the session, we felt comfortable following through with the session while maintaining social distance and eliminating any kind of contact with each other or their surfaces.

Their 4-month-old Samuel is the sweetest thing, and we were all really glad to be able to capture him while he’s still this little! Enjoy the photos!

Lake & Jacob – Samuel
In-home Baby Photography
Wake Forest Family Photographer

I love all the calm, minimalistic vibes from the nursery!

Samuel’s smile is the cutest, and I love seeing all the joyful interactions between these three. <3

Happy early Mother’s Day, Lake!

We also took some front porch photos outside!

Lake & Jacob ordered prints for themselves and for family members! If you have kiddos, never underestimate how heartwarming of a gift a professionally-created print can be. 🙂 Some of these will serve as wonderful Mother’s Day gifts!

Thank you so much, Lake and Jacob, for entrusting me with these sweet memories! So excited to have another session together sometime!

And thanks to all of you for joining us here today! If you’d like to see another sweet baby, check out Ada’s clapping & walking skills in Sarah & Colin’s Christmas card mini-session.

As the world starts opening again after stay at home orders are lifted, I’d love to get together with your family (from a distance of course) and capture some fun moments! Feel free to contact me so we can start our conversation, or go ahead and purchase a gift certificate so you don’t have to worry about payment later! I’m excited to capture your joyful selves and help you get photos you’ll treasure forever for your home and to share.

Thanks again, and talk to you soon!

in light & love,
