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Laura & Clark – Downtown Raleigh Family Photography

Hello, hello!

I don’t have much of an introduction for you today… I just looked through all of these photos from Laura & Clark’s fun session again, and now that’s all I can think about!

Laura & Clark and I attend the same church, and we’ve also gotten to know each other a bit through a missional community – kind of like a small group – with church. I was super excited when they asked me to do a family session with them, because I knew I wanted to connect with them further, and I definitely wanted the chance to photograph their beauuutiful family! The joy that radiates from this family is so unique… it’s not that other families aren’t joyful, but that the amount of joy outwardly expressed from these four is on another level. I love watching their bond and taking part in all of the energy that the family has – especially their son, Beau!

Laura & Clark – Downtown Raleigh Family Photography



As soon as we got to the park area, Beau was ALL ABOUT those fall leaves. It was Clark’s idea to get Beau to play with them, and man-oh-man was that genius. Look how HAPPY this two-year-old is!! Do you think, maybe, they’ve played in leaves together before?

While more mild-mannered in the energy department (for now, at least), Zoe had her time in the spotlight too, of course!



Isn’t her squinty smile the sweetest?!

And look at this brother-sister love!! Laura & Clark adopted them each as newborns, and Beau and Zoe are biological siblings. Their love is so precious.



I could take photos of Beau playing in a tree all day long… That smile is so authentic, and in the next photo he’s pretending to be a monkey 🙂



Check out these Raleigh skyline views! What a great backdrop!

Zoe, above with the smize… (you know, smiling with her eyes…) What a little model.



Laura & Clark placed their photo art order through their online gallery since they wanted to give prints to family members for Christmas and needed them fast! What an incredible gift for family members! I just know they’re loving seeing this family’s smiling faces in the photos every day 🙂

Thank you so much for carving out time for this session and gifting your family with prints, Laura & Clark! I had so much fun capturing these memories for you & I’m already excited to do it again sometime.

If you liked these photos, let’s throw it back to Olivia’s 1 year session! Those photos are from warmer days, so maybe it’ll be a nice little relief on this chilly one. 🙂

Whether you’re rocking life solo, you have a significant other, you have little ones or older ones, I love to capture it all. Let me know here if you’re interested in booking a session! Check out the pay-what-you-can photography system I created last fall/winter, too… I’d love to serve you regardless of how much you feel you can pay.

Thank you for checking out Laura & Clark’s photos! I’ll see you back here next week for the last installment of my Silly Photos blog series!

In light & love,

in light & love,
