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Photo Art: Flat & Folded Cards

**Please note: My artwork offerings have been revamped! I’m excited to share the updated versions & details with you during your consultation and ordering session.

Thank you for sticking with us and giving yourselves, your children, and your grandchildren beautiful photos to remember these moments!

Hello, & Happy Monday!

Okay, I’m always more enthusiastic when I can say, “Happy Friday,” but I’m starting off the week in a good mood and have a positive outlook on the week, so I hope your Monday is happy, too!

If you’ve been following along for a bit, you know that I have two blog post series happening right now:

  • Mondays: posts about the photo art that I offer, which started with this post about why it’s so important to me to provide photo art / products

  • Thursdays: Throwback Thursday blog posts containing photos from my early photography days and from memories I’ve captured for people around Raleigh in the last couple years of living here. Be sure to check out last week’s post with Eli & Mia!

These series will continue throughout the summer, and I think they’re a great way to learn about Light Creative and what we have to offer. Thank you for staying tuned! 

Today’s photo art feature is…

Flat & Folded Cards!

aka – Christmas cards, graduation announcements,
birth announcements, thank you cards, and more!

I’m excited to talk a bit today about the cards that we offer, because these are some of the easiest ways to add a little pizazz to your photos before you share them with friends and family! Our communication these days is so digitized with texting, social media, and email that it’s a rare treasure to hold a piece of mail from a friend in my hands. I also think about my older relatives who don’t use computers and my friends who don’t use social media – they never see my personal photos or updates online! Maybe I need to order some of these for myself… Keep reading to see if the cards we offer are the right fit for you! 

Flat Cards

Our press printed greeting cards are awesome for that special occasion you have coming up.

  • Graduating from high school or college – Graduation announcements! Send these out to announce that you’re graduating so people can celebrate with you from afar (they may even send you money!) or in person – include graduation party information if you want to invite them to be with you!

  • Getting married – These make beautiful save the dates using photos from your engagement session! Save the dates are most helpful when they’re sent out 4-6 months before your wedding day, and ordering these after your engagement session is an easy, seamless way to start getting them ready.

  • Celebrate your baby with announcements – When you invest in the New Life Collection with Light Creative, you have 4 sessions (maternity, newborn, 6 month, 1 year), you receive 10 prints with each session, and you receive a photo book at the end of the series with photos from all across the baby’s first year! All of that is included in your initial investment! You may also order additional photo art at any point in the year. Ordering a set of birth announcements following the newborn session is a beautiful way to share and celebrate the arrival of your baby with friends and family near and far. Save one for yourself, and frame it for your home!

  • Send Christmas cards – I love decorating my home with all the pretty Christmas cards we receive in December! Type out a special greeting to include in your printed card design so you don’t have to write the same message over and over, then handwrite something shorter and personalized on the printed card, if you wish. This is the perfect way to show off your beautiful family (or simply your beautiful self!) and give updates to your loved ones on how your kids have grown and what everyone is up to these days.

Flat cards are printed on thick, sturdy 5×7″ paper and have two-sided full-color designs. You have the freedom to choose your own template from hundreds of options, and I am available to help you make that decision if you’d like! Options include designs with anywhere between 1 photo and 9 photos, designs with real foil pressed in the paper, boutique shapes and sizes (think fancy corner cut-outs and/or curved sides), and multiple color schemes for each template. I can come up with the photo arrangement based on your favorite photos from our session and get your approval, or we can talk through placement of each specific photo. Whether you prefer self-customization or friendly guidance, flat cards are a great option for you!

Folded Cards

Folded cards are more simple and versatile than flat cards. With a blank interior, you choose your favorite horizontal or vertical photo(s) for the front and express your thanks, your well wishes, your family updates, etc. on the inside. Since the inside is blank, you are free to use the card for whatever purpose you’d like at any time.

  • Thank you card – Congratulations, people sent you money for graduation, gave you awesome wedding gifts, or celebrated you well on your birthday! Include your favorite photo(s) from your session or wedding on the front of the card & express your gratitude with a personalized message inside.

  • Greeting card – Who’s to say these cards have to follow-up a special event? Folded photo cards are awesome to have on hand to send everyday greetings to your loved ones. The photo on the front makes it extra special and even serves as something they can hang on their refrigerator if they’d like!



Folded cards are 4×5.5″ once folded, and you have the option of upgrading to 5×7″ for a larger greeting (+ more writing space!). 


Great news – any card order comes with white or parchment envelopes, so you don’t have to run out and try to find the right size! You can start addressing your envelopes for mailing right away. 

Flat cards only – White and parchment envelopes (seen above) are included in your card investment, but I also offer envelope upgrades for flat cards if you’d like to be a little more festive.

  • Maybe you’d like red or green envelopes to go with your Christmas cards, or nicer white envelopes with silver or gold lining for graduation announcements? I’ve got you covered.

  • Want to save some time? You can also choose to have your return address printed on the outside of your envelopes! One less thing for you to write – Hello, time saver!!

In a digital world of social media and electronic communication, I love how physical, printed mail really makes me pause and appreciate the sender. When it includes pictures, it’s even more special to me. I hope you will consider ordering cards with us for your next big announcement or to have on hand for everyday notes to friends and family! 

If you have any questions about the photo art we offer or about booking Light Creative for a session or wedding, don’t hesitate to contact me here!

Enjoy the rest of your week, friends, and be on the look out for our Throwback Thursday post in a few days!

In light & love, 

in light & love,
