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Sarah & Colin – Ada – Raleigh 5-month-old Baby Photography

Hello, hello!

I hope you’re doing well today! My phone’s camera roll is full of photos of our baby Isaac now (& you can see some of these photos on my FacebookInstagram, & Twitter), but I figure I may as well keep sharing photos of other people’s adorable babies, too. 😉

Sarah and Colin go to the same church as we do, and it has been so fun getting to know them this year! Their daughter Ada is basically the cutest with her big blue eyes and curious nature. We spent a lovely Sunday morning before church together in Anderson Point Park, and if I remember correctly, the weather was really nice for late June! I’m excited to continue spending time with this beautiful family, especially as Isaac gets older and he and Ada can play together. 🙂

Enjoy the photos!

Sarah & Colin – Ada – Raleigh 5-month-old Baby Photography

Anderson Point Park

I love how the color scheme of their outfits (especially Ada’s chambray/denim shirt) contrasts so beautifully with the green trees!

This soccer ball Ada is playing with used to be Colin’s when he was a baby… what?! I don’t have any toys from my childhood to pass along, and I think that’s so fun! I’m also wondering how it looks basically brand new – so impressive!

And, look how cute Ada’s sweet smile is. 🙂

And her big, blue eyes!!

If this next photo doesn’t scream, “I love my family!” I don’t know what does. (I think it probably also screams, “It’s the weekend!”)

Ah, such a sweet family! Sarah & Colin decided to use their photo art credits to get a keepsake for themselves and to gift some photo art to their loved ones! I put together a custom photo book for them using their favorite images from the session, and they ordered a smaller photo book to be a Christmas gift. Small photo books make amazing gifts, because it’s easy to make a duplicate book (still just one design for you to review & approve!), and your loved ones will love having it on their coffee table or bookshelf!

They also ordered an image box to gift to a different family member, who they knew wouldn’t be as likely to flip through a book. They still wanted them to have multiple photos to have and display, so the image box was perfect for them! Now, this family member will be able to put the included easel in an easily-viewed spot and have ten photos to choose from to display at any given time. What a wonderful & personal gift!

I was so excited about this order that I filmed a video to show you some more details. Watch the 2-minute video (from when I was very pregnant) and/or look at the photos below to see the photo art goodies!

Thank you so much, Sarah and Colin, for allowing me to capture this time in your lives for you! I’m so happy you have photo art from it to treasure for years & generations to come.

And thank you for joining us on the blog today! If you’re interested in seeing more cute baby photos (I mean, why not?) don’t miss Phoebe’s 1-year session, which wrapped up that family’s New Life Collection sessions beautifully!

I know now more than ever that days & weeks & months pass us by all too quickly. (Our baby Isaac is already 3 months old. How?!) If you’d like to preserve this moment in time with some beautiful photo art, please don’t hesitate to contact me here! Also – my pricing system will be changing slightly in the new year, so sign up for my newsletter at the bottom of this page to find out how to lock in the current rates for a session next year!

Thanks again, and talk to y’all soon!

in light & love,
