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Sarah & Colin – Dorothea Dix Park Christmas Card Session – Raleigh Family Photography

Hello, hello!

Hopefully you got to see the beautiful fall colors in Jasmine & doggo Oliver’s furbaby family session last week. That same afternoon, I got to capture some fun moments with Sarah, Colin, and Ada again!

They wanted to order Christmas cards for their friends & family, but Ada had grown so much since our session when she was 5 months old. A quick little mini-session was in order for Ada to show off her clapping & walking skills and to get them the perfect photos for their Christmas cards.

Once again, Dorothea Dix Park offered us the pretty fall foliage for the background! Be sure to see their finished Christmas card design at the bottom of the post!

Sarah & Colin
Dorothea Dix Park Christmas Card Session
Raleigh Family Photography


This next photo cracks us all up 🙂 Serious little Ada!

It’s always so fun to see babies & kids over time, hitting new developmental milestones like clapping!

Ada was also starting to walk with assistance, and now just a few months later, she’s walking up a storm.


Sarah & Colin chose a Christmas card template featuring a foil message on the front & simple text on the back! I love how some clients choose templates that allow for lots of text & others let the photos speak for themselves. Sarah & Colin were initially thinking to only have one photo on the cards, but they couldn’t resist including the walking one, too. I don’t blame them – Ada had to show off those skills!

Christmas is a ways away here at the beginning of March, but spring is right around the corner! I have a spring mini-session day coming up, and I’ll be releasing details & early sign-ups in my newsletter this Friday. Sign up to get that here so you’re among the first to receive access!

Want to see another cute baby? Go see Lucas’s 1 year session from last spring, and be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook so you see my cute kiddo, too 🙂 He’s almost 7 months old now, and I may be a little biased, but he’s the cutest baby around 😉

Thanks for hanging out with us today! Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter to be the first to know about those upcoming mini-sessions, and let me know if you’ve got a different session in mind! I’d love to capture your most joyful memories this year.

See you back here soon with some more joyful photos, & have a beautiful week!

in light & love,
