Hello, friends!
I’m writing this blog post from a plastic Adirondack chair on the patio to the side of my house. 🙂 The weather has been beautiful, but the main reason I’m out here is so I can focus and write this blog post! Truth be told, I’ve been pretty distracted today by baby topics and other random things that have come up; I needed a change of scenery to focus and be more productive. I vocalized some goals I have for the afternoon (yep – out loud, alone in my living room) and I’m trying to meet them as best as I can – let’s go!
Beth & Ryan – JC Raulston Arboretum – Raleigh Family Photographer

Today I’d like you to meet Beth and Ryan! Beth and I worked at the same school last year, and I loved spending time with her, Ryan, and their little one Isaac for their family session at the beginning of March. We met at the JC Raulston Arboretum in Raleigh for the session, and they were champs in the overcast and sometimes misty weather! Thank you all for going with the flow!

Isaac had just woken up from a nap in the car, so you can see some sleepy eyes in the photos above. Thankfully it felt like it took no time at all for him to wake up and warm up to me, and we had lots of fun!

Isaac was turning two years old a few weeks after the session, so we were able to capture some fun photos to have on display at his train-themed birthday party! They ordered a gallery image of the next photo… You can see the completed gallery image at the bottom of the post!

The fun thing about almost-two-year-olds is that they’re independent enough to run around and play, but they also still have snuggly moments with their moms and dads 🙂

Beth & Ryan were GENIUSES for thinking to bring rain boots for Isaac! It had rained in the couple days prior to the session, so they figured there would be puddles around the arboretum… Sure enough, we found some and Isaac got to splash around in them! Great thinking, Mom and Dad!

Isaac kept sticking his tongue out as he ran through the puddles – it was so cute! Find the photo above with his tongue sticking out, click on it, and zoom in if you need to! Such focus on those splashes!


As I mentioned, Beth and Ryan ordered a gallery image with the photo of Isaac running; the photo embodies him at this age so well! They also ordered some prints to enjoy around their home, and maybe even to share with friends and family. 🙂
Thank you again, Beth & Ryan, for trusting me to capture these moments for you and for getting beautiful, professional photo art for your home! Can’t wait to take more photos together in the future!
Thank YOU, as well, for reading along and viewing the photos today! If you like seeing photos of toddlers running around and playing, don’t miss Laura & Clark’s family session from December with their little ones Beau and Zoe! Downtown Raleigh provided us great views and great play spaces!
Maybe you’re considering family photos of your own? Mother’s Day is a great time to gift a wonderful mom in your life with a session! (It’s okay if you’re the mom – you have full permission to gift yourself with a session 😉 You and your family deserve it!)
Want to be surrounded by roses in your photos? (I know I do!) I have two more mini-session days coming up at the Raleigh Rose Garden! They both take place in the next couple weeks, so check out the details and sign up today!
If you’d prefer a full session or a mini-session on a different day, check out my pay-what-you-can photography system and contact me to schedule a session together!

Thank you again, and talk to you soon!
In light & love,